Good News!

So my replacement plying head for my Lendrum Traveler wheel I`ve been waiting oh.. I don`t know.. almost 6 months for has finally arrived in the mail, thank goodness. Now I have the regular head, the plying head and the giant monster country spinner for my wheel. I want for nothing! I`ve never used the country spinner before, but ohhh man. What huge, ropey, insanely gorgeous woolen I could make though!


I heard about the Art Society this week for the first time, and that they were having a little show at the new Energy Centre (where they had a Theory of a Deadman concert the opening night – eughhh) this Sunday. Seeing as how we didn`t have much to do this weekend, we went and I spoke with a woman about it. For thirty dollars per year I can be part of the rotation that gets space in the galleryslashcoffeeshoppe and sell, YES, actually SELL FOR MONEY my yarn, paintings and drawings. She also is teaching an oil painting course this coming month – 6 weekly sessions for $150 supplies included. Stoked. I`m going to request not to be put into the rotation for the gallery for the next couple of months so I can get my stuff together, do a bunch of pieces, make a bunch of prints, stock my etsy shop and get a bunch of things framed.

It feels good to be working towards something. I painted a small piece on canvas board on Saturday that I`ll be getting framed this month. I took a picture but I need to track down a cord for the camera before I can post it. I really like it.. I started a second one – I`ll post it when I`m finished.

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